The New Geographical Indications Act 2022: Key Changes

What is a geographical indication (“GI“)? A GI is essentially a sign or geographical term used on products for the purposes of indicating the place of origin. The use of a GI would also serve as indication of the good qualities and characteristics of the said products which are attributable to that place of origin.

GIs in Malaysia were initially protected by the Geographical Indications Act 2000 (“previous Act“). However, a new Geographical Indications Act 2022 (“new GI Act“), which effectively repeals the previous Act, came into operation on 18 March 2022. This new GI Act seeks to provide a wider scope of protection to GI proprietors and more clarity in relation to the examination procedure for the registration of GIs.

This Update highlights the new and significant changes introduced by the new GI Act

For more information, click here to read the full Legal Update.



