Legal Updates

Public Consultation Papers Issued for Upcoming Guidelines under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010

Following the Malaysian Parliament’s passing of the Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Bill 2024 on 31 July 2024, the Personal Data Protection Commissioner has issued three public consultation papers to seek feedback on upcoming guidelines that will supplement changes introduced by the Amendment Bill.

Public Consultation Papers Issued for Upcoming Guidelines under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 Read More »

Focus Group Discussion: Market Review on the Digital Economy Ecosystem [Registration Deadline – 16 August 2024]

Under section 11 of the Competition Act 2010, the Malaysia Competition Commission may conduct a review into any market in order to determine whether any feature or combination of features of the market prevents, restricts or distorts competition in the market.

Focus Group Discussion: Market Review on the Digital Economy Ecosystem [Registration Deadline – 16 August 2024] Read More »

Updates to the Regulatory Framework for Social Media and Internet Messaging Services in Malaysia – New Licensing Requirements

On 27 July 2024, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission announced that a new licensing requirement will be imposed on the providers of “social media services” and “internet messaging services” in Malaysia

Updates to the Regulatory Framework for Social Media and Internet Messaging Services in Malaysia – New Licensing Requirements Read More »

Malaysia’s Corporate Renewable Energy Supply Scheme (CRESS) – Third Party Access to the Electricity Grid and Direct/Bilateral Power Purchase Arrangements

After much anticipation, the Government of Malaysia (through the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation) had, on 26 July 2024, announced the introduction of the Corporate Renewable Energy Supply Scheme.

Malaysia’s Corporate Renewable Energy Supply Scheme (CRESS) – Third Party Access to the Electricity Grid and Direct/Bilateral Power Purchase Arrangements Read More »

Occupational Safety and Health (Constructions Works) (Design and Management) Regulations 2024

Following the coming into force of the amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (“OSHA”), and the Occupational Safety and Health (Plant Requiring Certificate of Fitness) Regulations 2024 and the Occupational Safety and Health (Licensed Person) Order 2024, on 1 June 2024, the Minister of Human Resources has further made two new regulations under the OSHA, one of which is the Occupational Safety and Health (Construction Work) (Design and Management) Regulations 2024.

Occupational Safety and Health (Constructions Works) (Design and Management) Regulations 2024 Read More »

Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic Plant – Fifth Competitive Bidding Round (LSS PETRA)

Following the announcement by the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (“PETRA”) in January 2024, the Energy Commission had on 1 April 2024 issued the following documents (in Bahasa Malaysia) relating to the fifth competitive bidding round for the Large Scale Solar (“LSS”) programme, also known as LSS-Peralihan Tenaga SuRiA (LSS PETRA),

Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic Plant – Fifth Competitive Bidding Round (LSS PETRA) Read More »

Confidentiality in Arbitration-related Court Proceedings – Positions in Singapore, Malaysia and China

Most jurisdictions worldwide uphold the concept of open justice, with court proceedings generally being conducted in public by default. Conversely, arbitral proceedings and associated documents are generally subject to the principle of confidentiality, with parties to the arbitration prohibited from disclosing details of the arbitration to third parties.

Confidentiality in Arbitration-related Court Proceedings – Positions in Singapore, Malaysia and China Read More »

立杰亚洲 科技、媒体和电信区域法律资讯

本更新是对近几个月东南亚地区在数据保护、内容监管、金融监管、电信和电子商务等主题方面的最新发展概览。这些主题对于在科技领域经营的企业来说是相关及重要的,因为它们影响到企业如何收集、使用、存储和转移个人数据;如何创建、发布和调节在线内容;如何提供或促进金融服务和交易;如何访问和利用电信网络和基础设施;以及如何进行在线商务和贸易。简洁起见,我们将采取一个宏观的视角,将重点放在最新变化上,如果您想进一步讨论这些发展或任何其他与东南亚科技法律有关的事项,请随时与我们联系。 如果您想进一步了解,请点击阅读更多。

立杰亚洲 科技、媒体和电信区域法律资讯 Read More »

Extension of Part IV of AMLA to IEOs, Digital Custodians and Digital Asset Advisors, and Explicit Broadening to Equity Crowdfunding, Crowdfunding, P2P and other Recognised Market Operator Platforms

On 24 December 2021, the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities (Invocation of Part IV) Order 2021

Extension of Part IV of AMLA to IEOs, Digital Custodians and Digital Asset Advisors, and Explicit Broadening to Equity Crowdfunding, Crowdfunding, P2P and other Recognised Market Operator Platforms Read More »

Recent Malaysian Court Decision Sheds Light on Proof of Debt Exercise in Scheme of Arrangement and the Test for Granting Leave to Proceed against Restraining Order

In the recent decision of the Malaysian High Court in Re Top Builders Capital Bhd & Ors [2021] 10 MLJ 327 (“Top Builders”), Ong Chee Kwan JC examines the proof of debt exercise in a scheme of arrangement (“SOA”) and the guiding principles governing the granting of leave to proceed with legal proceedings against a financially distressed company that has obtained a restraining order (moratorium) pursuant to a SOA.

Recent Malaysian Court Decision Sheds Light on Proof of Debt Exercise in Scheme of Arrangement and the Test for Granting Leave to Proceed against Restraining Order Read More »

The Enforcement of Accounting Fraud under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007

There is a growing recognition globally that healthy capital markets require an effective regime for financial reporting. Disclosures in a listed company’s financial statements provide critical information relating to the company’s affairs and for this reason, the law has clear provisions addressing the disclosure of false or misleading information to the regulators and the public.

The Enforcement of Accounting Fraud under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 Read More »

Compliance with Environmental Laws: Road Towards Achieving a Healthy and Sustainable Triple Bottom Line

Almost every other day on various platforms, we receive feeds and articles on the importance of putting in place Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) policies that contribute towards ethical and responsible way of carrying on business, with the golden mantra on being ‘sustainable’.

Compliance with Environmental Laws: Road Towards Achieving a Healthy and Sustainable Triple Bottom Line Read More »

Federal Court in Crystal Crown Hotel Case: Service Charges Cannot be Used to Pay Hotel Workers their Salaries to Meet the Employer’s Statutory Obligation to Pay Minimum Wage

On 24 March 2021, the Federal Court in Crystal Crown Hotel & Resort Sdn Bhd (Crystal Crown Hotel Petaling Jaya) v Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar & Restoran Semenanjung Malaysia (Civil Appeal No. 02(f)-4-01 of 2018) ruled that the hoteliers cannot utilise the service charge imposed on bills to customers to meet the statutory minimum wage of their employees.

Federal Court in Crystal Crown Hotel Case: Service Charges Cannot be Used to Pay Hotel Workers their Salaries to Meet the Employer’s Statutory Obligation to Pay Minimum Wage Read More »

Does Delay in Issuing an Arbitral Award Result in Loss of Arbitrator’s Jurisdictional Mandate?

In Ken Grouting Sdn Bhd v RKT Nusantara Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2020] MLJU 1901, the Malaysian Court of Appeal dealt with the issue of an arbitrator’s failure to deliver the arbitral award within the specified timeline, and whether this resulted in a loss of the arbitrator’s jurisdictional mandate.

Does Delay in Issuing an Arbitral Award Result in Loss of Arbitrator’s Jurisdictional Mandate? Read More »

First Corporate Liability Charge under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 – What Directors Need to Know

The Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) has charged a company providing ship rental services under Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009. This is the first charge under Section 17A, which came into force on 1 June 2020.

First Corporate Liability Charge under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 – What Directors Need to Know Read More »

A Trial Extraordinaire that Breaches Malaysia’s Legal Frontiers – The SRC Trial

In a landmark decision ruling on 28 July 2020, Justice Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali sitting in the High Court found former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak (“DS Najib”) guilty of seven charges of abuse of power, criminal breach of trust and money laundering in relation to RM42 million belonging to SRC International Sdn Bhd (“SRC”).

A Trial Extraordinaire that Breaches Malaysia’s Legal Frontiers – The SRC Trial Read More »

The Malaysiakini Case: Liability of Online Intermediary Platforms as the Presumed Publisher for Third-Party Content – A Further Analysis

Last month, the Federal Court in the case of Peguam Negara Malaysia v Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd & Another (Case No. 08(L)-4-06/2020) found Mkini Dot Com Sdn Bhd, the owner and operator of the Malaysian online news portal ‘Malaysiakini’ (“Malaysiakini”), guilty of contempt of court in relation to third-party comments that were posted on Malaysiakini’s website.

The Malaysiakini Case: Liability of Online Intermediary Platforms as the Presumed Publisher for Third-Party Content – A Further Analysis Read More »

The Malaysiakini Decision: Liability of Online Intermediary Platforms for Third-Party Content

On 19 February 2021, the Federal Court in the case of Peguam Negara Malaysia v Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd & Another (Case No. 08(L)-4-06/2020) held in a 6-1 decision that Mkini Dot Com Sdn Bhd, the owner and operator of the Malaysian online news portal ‘Malaysiakini’ (“Malaysiakini”), was liable for contempt of court in relation to third-party comments that were posted on Malaysiakini’s website.

The Malaysiakini Decision: Liability of Online Intermediary Platforms for Third-Party Content Read More »