Welcome to Christopher & Lee Ong
Christopher & Lee Ong (CLO) is distinguished by its extensive range of legal services and outstanding client representation. Boasting a team of over 120 lawyers, with many recognised as leaders in their respective fields, CLO is unwavering in its commitment to high standards of legal excellence.
At CLO, we eschew traditional legal advisory roles, positioning ourselves as strategic partners dedicated to crafting innovative solutions that propel your business forward. Our deep-seated presence in Malaysia empowers us to offer a comprehensive array of services meticulously designed to address complex legal challenges with precision.
Our lawyers combine local market expertise with international best practices, enabling us to deliver results-oriented advice to expertly navigate the intricacies of the Malaysian legal landscape.
As a member of the Rajah & Tann Asia network, CLO has a significant regional footprint in Southeast Asia. This strategic affiliation enables us to offer integrated, one-stop solutions and ensures the seamless delivery of cross-border legal services, optimising outcomes for our clients across multiple jurisdictions
Latest Viewpoints
An Overview of Key Changes Introduced by the CMA Amendment Bill
In our previous Legal Update, we provided a brief overview of the recent developments and key legislative changes in the technology, media and telecommunications & data protection (TMT) space in Malaysia.
An Overview of the Online Safety Bill 2024
Introduction Following our previous Legal Update, the Online Safety Bill 2024 (“Bill“), which aims to promote online safety in Malaysia …
投资、贸易及工业部 (MITI) 发布数据中心可持续发展指南
简介 随着马来西亚继续加强其在区域数字经济中的领先地位,投资、贸易及工业部 (MITI) 最近发布了 数据中心可持续发展指南(”指南“),为马来西亚可持续数据中心的开发和运营提供了框架。 这符合马来西亚政府推出的数字生态系统加速计划 (“DESAC“)。DESAC旨在通过向在马来西亚投资数字项目的公司提供税收优惠并营造有利于数字化转型的环境来加强马来西亚的数字基础设施并吸引高质量投资。 指南的目标 指南旨在概述最佳实践和监管标准,以确保数据中心高性能且环保。指南列出了以下目标: 通过吸引可持续数据中心组织的投资,将马来西亚定位为东南亚的数据中心枢纽; 进一步释放各组织在设计和运营节能数据中心方面的能力; 加速使用可再生或洁净能源,为数据中心的运营提供低碳能源;以及 鼓励创新,提高数据中心设计和运营中的用水效率。 取得可持续数据中心的地位 指南列出了以下在马来西亚取得可持续数据中心的地位的衡量因素: 电力使用效率 Power Usage Effectiveness (“PUE”):数据中心总能耗与信息技术设备能耗在同一时期内计算、测量或评估的比率。数据中心的所有者/开发商/运营商(”组织“)需要根据国际标准 …
"Christopher & Lee Ong have set a high standard in terms of quality of work and commitment to deliver within deadlines. They are always ready to assist in carrying out further due diligence investigation whenever necessary.”
Client Testimonial - Chambers Asia-Pacific (2023)