Listing in Singapore: A Fresh Take on Secondary and Spin-off Listings

On 20 August 2024, the Singapore Exchange (“SGX“), Rajah & Tann Asia (“RTA“), CGS International and Deloitte jointly organised a seminar titled “Listing in Singapore: A Fresh Take on Secondary and Spin-off Listings” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The speakers, with established initial public offering (IPO) experiences in both Singapore and Malaysia, provided insight on how a Singapore listing comes into play for Malaysian corporates targeting global success. Among other matters, they discussed the various listing structures such as secondary and spin-off listings, and real estate investment trusts (REITs)/trust listings, as well as the legal and regulatory considerations that corporates need to know when listing on SGX. They also shared updates on the Singapore capital markets and where current investor demand lies.

The speakers from RTA comprised Tan Mui Hui, and Jasselyn Seet from Rajah & Tann Singapore, and Justin Chua from Christopher & Lee Ong.  


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