Rajah & Tann Asia Intellectual Property Newsletter 2023 – 2024

The field of intellectual property (“IP”) has been a hive of activity in the past year. With blockchain and artificial intelligence quickly becoming the buzzwords of the new economy, much attention has been placed on how IP frameworks will evolve and adapt to fit the changing needs of the business world and the innovation economy.

The speed of IP development shows no sign of slowing down, and businesses and IP rights holders would be well advised to keep ahead not just of ongoing developments, but of the trends that may be expected to take shape in the near future.

In this annual review, we take a look back at the major legal developments relating to the area of IP in the past year in Southeast Asia. We also look ahead to the trends and expected developments of the year ahead across the jurisdictions in our regional network.

For more information, click here to read the full update. 



